Ready to begin your journey into household herbs?
The Wonder Bundle is the best place to start!
Complete with TEN of our FULL SIZE products, this kit is perfect for those ready to jump start their natural health and wellness journey.
The Wonder Bundle includes :
- 4oz Wildcrafted Seamoss (purple or gold)
- Soursop Leaves (approximately 40 leaves in each bag)
- 1oz Wildcrafted Mullein Leaf
- 1oz Wildcrafted Palo Guaco
- 1oz Linden Flower
- 30 capsules Super Greens compound
- 30 capsules Bladderwrack & Seamoss
- 1oz Burdock Root
- 1oz Wild crafted Sarsaparilla
- 1oz Wild crafted Cocolmeca
*NRG Focus Capsules have been discontinued from the Wonder Bundle.